Pears, Rosaceae (Rosaceae) family tree of the genus Pyrus Maloideae lower quality plant species classified Familia, this is the common name for several species of edible fruits. Pears grown in temperate climate countries of both hemispheres, one of the world's most important fruit trees. Extends up the hill and ripe pear tree apple tree Reaching lengths of 13 m longer and more upright.
Pear, pear rootstock seedlings usually on one-year bridging or produced by means of exceedance. Pear trees are very long-lived (50-75 years) and best viewed through budanmazsa thoroughly extended lengths. Planted a pear tree begins to bear fruit after 4-7 years 8-10 was about 25-50 kg of fruit can.
Allows the kidneys to work properly. Bollaştırır urine. Loss of kidney stones in the sand and help. Lowers high blood pressure. It cleans the blood allows the normal operation of all endocrine glands. Corrects anemia, prevents constipation. Calms the nerves. Removes mental fatigue. Thirst cuts. Increases the secretion of saliva. Pregnant women reduces vomiting. Relieves indigestion. Joint arthritis, and rheumatism podagra useful. Diabetics can eat it. Weak stomach compost is recommended to drink those. Would be more useful if eaten before meals.