Strengthens the immune system and is good against anemia . A good source of vitamin C and folic acid . For this reason, pregnant women consume plenty of would be helpful. Consumed with meals , absorption of iron from anemia artırmaktadır.Portakal water well against us in strengthening the immune system protects the fruit juice stands out as the common cold and flu . Through it contains vitamin C and folic acid reduces cough . In addition , the orange juice is an antioxidant engeller.Portakal bioflavin water damage to the heart, veins and capillaries by strengthening the high level of potassium in the blood pressure , but also help to balance the skin dry and prevent the formation of wrinkles geç This juice also contains with vitamins and antioxidants, oranges, blood clotting , prevents gastric and pancreatic cancer , and provides faster healing of dents and bruises .
Orange Juice Supplies:
6-7 oranges,
4 cups granulated sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 orange zest .
Orange Juice Directions:
In a saucepan , mix sugar with orange zest .
Two tablespoons of orange juice and lemon juice to the mixture and mix 6-7 .
Leave for 1-2 days until the sugar dissolves completely .
Strain into bottles and fill his mouth shut.
Drink when desired by the addition of cold water and serve.